15th International conference NANOCON

on nanomaterials, their research and application will be held in Brno Orea Congress Hotel. Nanomaterials and Technologies for Sustainable Energy & Environment is its main topic this year. Plenary talk will be given by Prof. Dr. Volker Presser, Managing director of the Saarene-Saarland Center for Energy Materials & Sustainability, Saarbrücken (Germany), and a Dr. Rabah Boukherroub, Research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS, Lille, France. More information about the conference: www.nanocon.eu. The registration has been just open.

Nanocon in the year 2022


The 14th international conference NANOCON´22 will be held on October 19–21 2022, in Brno (Czech Republic) in the Orea Congress Hotel Brno. The latest scientific and technological challenges in nanomedicine are the central topic of the program.

However, the program trčaditionally covers a wide range of topics: in addition to contributions on nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in medicine and bionanotechnologies, papers on methods for the preparation and characterization of nanomaterials and their applications in various sectors, including energy sector, electronics or the environment are accepted. The plenary lecture has been already confirmed by prof. Dr. Arben Merkoçi from the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona (Spain) and by prof. Dr. Jean-Francois Berret from the University of Paris (France). Other invited lectures will be given e.g., by Assoc. prof. Alexander Kromka, DrSc. from Physical Institute CAS (CZ), Assoc. prof. Dr. Lucie Bačáková from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS/BIOCEV (CZ) and Assoc. prof. Dr. Andrea Salis from the University of Cagliari (Italy).

The registration is open at the: www.nanocon.eu/en/registration-login/.

Reviewed papers will be submitted to the Web of Science and Scopus for evaluation and indexing. And the articles (labelled by DOI) will be published on the website www.confer.cz in open access mode. More information about the conference: www.nanocon.eu.

Nanoelectronics – the highlight of the NANOCON´21 conference

The XIII. international conference NANOCON took place in Brno on October 20th – 22th 2021. In total 280 participants from 19 countries listened 84 lectures and could see 150 posters. Their common theme was nanomaterials and the latest advances in their research and applications. In the Czech Republic, it is the largest event of its kind, and one of the largest in the Central European region. After a one-year break caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it could take place in the traditional format this year. The Czech Society for New Materials and Technology is co-organizer of this event. Details you can find in this report.

Nanocon '20 Conference

Due to anti-epidemic measures, the 12th NANOCON´20 conference, scheduled for 21-23 October 2020, could not take place in its original format.

With regard to interest of the registered participants (255 persons, of which 25 % from abroad) and also in an effort to maintain the continuity of the conference NANOCON, to publish a collection of full texts from the conference, it has been decided. In total 97 participants expressed their interest in publishing a paper in the conference proceedings. Approximately 60% of all contributions concerned industrial and environmental applications of nanomaterials and bio-nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in medicine.

Papers were reviewed and submitted to the Web of Science and Scopus for evaluation and indexing. The articles have been newly assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) and will be published on the website www.confer.cz in open access mode.

Nano Energy - the Highlight of the NANOCON´19 Conference

The XI. International conference NANOCON took place in Brno in October 16th - 18th, 2019. In total 335 attendees from 30 countries across the world listened 75 lectures and could see 205 posters. Their common theme was nanomaterials and the latest advances in their research and applications. The conference is the largest event of its kind organized in the Czech Republic and belongs to the biggest ones held in the Central Europe. The Czech Society for New Materials and Technology is co-organizer of this event (read details).

Jubilee NANOCON International Conference

The international conference NANOCON took place in Brno on 17th - 19th October 2018 for the 10th time. More than three hundred attendees from 20 countries across the world listened over 70 lectures and could see 190 posters. Their common theme was nanomaterials and the latest advances in their research and application. The conference is the largest event of its kind organized in the Czech Republic. The Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies is its co-organizer. (continue)

The Czech scientist named the new international award for nanotechnology research

The Fojtik-Henglein Prize for the outstanding, recent scientific breakthrough in the field of laser synthesis and processing of colloids in liquids, named after a pair of pioneers in the field of nanoparticle and nanostructure preparation using laser technology, was first awarded at the 5th International Advanced Nanoparticles Generation Excitation by Laser in Liquids hold in 3rd – 7th June 2018 in Lyon, France. The award has been handover to the laureate - Dr. Bilal Gökcem from the University of Duisburg/Essen - personally by Prof. Dr. Anton Fojtík, teacher at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague and at the Institute of Engineering Physics for Biomedicine at the Moscow National Research Nuclear University and the Member of the Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies Nanosection. The prize will be awarded every two years. More information

Jubilee NANOCON Conference in Brno

X. international scientific conference NANOCON will take place in Brno, in the hotel Voronez I, from October 17th to 19th, 2018. The opening plenary lecture will be performed by outstanding American scientist Dr. Paras N. Prasad from the New York State University and executive director of the multidisciplinary Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics. More information about the conference and the registration to the event at the www.nanocon.eu.

9th International Conference NANOCON 2017

9th International Conference NANOCON 2017 took place in Brno, Hotel Voronezh I, in October 18th-20th 2017. The conference was traditionally focused particularly on characterization and preparation of nanomaterials for concrete application in industry, medicine and environment.

More information about the conference on www.nanocon.eu.

8th International Conference NANOCON 2016

8th International Conference NANOCON 2016 took place in Brno, Hotel Voronezh I, in October 19th-21th 2016. The conference was traditionally focused particularly on characterization and preparation of nanomaterials for concrete application in industry, medicine and environment. The carbon nanostructures were the central topic of the conference. Plenary lectures were performed by David Beljonne from the University of Mons (Belgium), an outstanding expert in molecular dynamics simulations, and Thomas Michely from University of Cologne (Germany). More information about the conference in the press release and on www.nanocon.eu.

7th International Conference NANOCON 2015

7th International Conference NANOCON 2015 was organised in Brno, hotel VORONEZ, in October 14-16, 2015. The conference was focused on nanomaterials, their properties, characteristics and applications in different areas, including biotechnology and medicine. Plenary lectures wasby given by Prof. Dr. Louis E. Brus from the Columbia University (U.S.A.), the discoverer of the quantum dots and Prof. Dr. Patrick Schmuki from the University of Erlangen. Nanosection of the CSNMT was co-organiser of this conference. More information about the conference at the press release and at the www.nanocon.eu.

International Conference NANOCON 2014

6th NANOCON Annual International Conference 2014 was held from 5 to 7 November 2014 in Brno, Hotel Voronezh I. The conference was focused mainly on nanomaterials , preparation, modeling and characterization of nanoparticles, as well as on specific applications in industry, medicine and the environment. Attention is also paid to the issue of nanotoxicology. The opening plenary lecture entitled "The Advent of Mesoscopic Solar Cells", was performed by Professor Michael Graetzel from the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (Switzerland), selected by the Scientific American as one of the 50 top researchers in the world. The conference was organized in co-operation of the ČSNMT with Tanger spol. s.r.o. and the Regional Centre of Advanced Materials and Technology established at the Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc. More information in the press release and on www.nanocon.eu.

International conference Photocatalysis in Prague

The event organized by the Czech Association for Applied Photocatalysis in cooperation with the European Photocatalysis Federation, Photocatalysis Industrial Association of Japan, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v.v.i., and Technical University of Liberec will take place in Prague, September 3rd-4th, 2014. Standardization and Certification assisting commercialization will be the main discussed topic. Details you can find in the attachments (attachment 1, attachment 2).

5th International Conference NANOCON 2013

5th International Conference NANOCON 2013 was organised in Brno, hotel VORONEZ, in October 16th-18th 2013. During the three days of the conference 77 lectures focusing 5 different thematic areas of research and applications of nanomaterials were presented for the 340 participants from 40 countries on four continents. More information about the conference in the press release and at the www.nanocon.cz.

4th International Conference NANOCON 2012

4th International Conference NANOCON 2012 was organised in Brno, hotel VORONEZ, in October 23rd-25th 2012. During the three days of the conference 99 lectures focusing 5 different thematic areas of research and applications of nanomaterials were presented for the 389 participants from 34 countries on five continents. More information about the conference in the press release and at the www.nanocon.cz.

Nanotechnology in the Czech Republic

The Czech Business and Trade Journal will published information about hte research and development of nanotechnology in the Czech Republic.

Nano Investors Forum 2012

Are you launching a new business and do you require private investment? Does your product involve nanotechnology?
The framework of FPZ NanoCom organizing a Nanotechnology Investors Forum Spring 2012. The specific aim of this forum is to present selcet investors(Business Angels, Venture Capitalists) specific investment opportunities based on nanotechnologies. More details in the attachment.

3rd International Conference NANOCON 2011

3rd International Conference NANOCON 2011 will be organised in Brno, hotel VORONEZ, in September 21th-23rd 2011. The conference will be focused on nanomaterials, their properties, characteristics and applications in different areas, including biotechnology and medicine. The Nanosection of the CSNMT is co-organiser of this conference. More information about the conference: www.nanocon.cz.

International Conference NANOCON 2010

2nd International Conference NANOCON 2010 will be organised in the Moravian town Olomouc, hotel FLORA, in October 12th-14th 2010. The conference will be focused on nanomaterials, their properties, characteristics and applications in different areas, including biotechnology and medicine. The Nanosection of the CSNMT is co-organiser of this conference.
1.st Call for Papers.
More information about the conference: www.nanocon.cz.

Conference NANOFAIR 2010, July 6 - 7, 2010,Dresden, Germany, International Congress Center

Under the slogan “New Ideas for Industry” Nanofair as an international conference will present a vital platform for the exchange of ideas and the generation of initiatives between science and industry. The focus of the conference will be on nanotechnology in the fields of materials and surfaces, energy, electronics as well as life sciences.
The conference program is now available, http://www.nanofair.com/program/program_nanofair_2010.pdf.
For further information, please visit www.nanofair.com.

International Congress Gennesys

International Congress GENNESYS on Nanotechnology and Research Infrastructures will be hold in Barcelona, 26-28 May, 2010.
The International GENNESYS Congress on Nanotechnology and Research Infrastructures will be held in Barcelona on 26th-28th May 2010 under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Spain, during the Spanish EU-Presidency. More information at the website: http://www.gennesys2010.eu/


The European Commission, together with DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - Research Centre of the Helmholtz Association) and the NSF (US National Science Foundation) will be organising a two day workshop on 23-24 June 2010 in Hamburg on "Long-term Impacts and Future Opportunities for Nanoscale Science and Engineering" with a group of high level experts from Europe and the US.

The two main objectives of the workshop are:
(i) to evaluate the R&D worldwide progress made in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology since 2000, and
(ii) to discuss research directions for the next ten years based on current research and scenario development.
The outcomes of the meeting will be used to give an expert opinion on future directions for nanotechnology R&D to the professional community and funding organizations both in the US and EU. In particular, the outcomes will be highly relevant for the preparation of the new European Action Plan  for Nanotechnologies.

In brief, after a morning plenary session, the core of the workshop will consist of 2 half-days of 6 parallel breakout sessions composed of small groups of experts (4-8 people) to discuss on the state of the art and future opportunities of nanotechnologies in specific area (see attachment).

European Strategy for Nanotechnology 2010-2015

European Strategy for Nanotechnology 2010-2015 is preparing by the European Commission (EC). The document should be finished in June 2010. All member-countries, including the Czech Republic participate in its preparation.
This document should be based on 3 pillars:
I. Innovation and Research
Support of nanotechnology RTD, including applied research close to the market
II. Regulatory Pillar
standardization, legislation reflecting nano-applications coming to the market
III. Public Trust and Confidence
labelling of products, etc.

Nanotechnology in Germany

The Report about nano research and applications has been published by Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) The detail report called „Status Quo of Nanotechnology in Germany“ is available at www.bmbf.de.

Nanotechnology Exhibition in Brno (CZ)

The exhibition called „Nanotechnology“ is possible to visit in the Technical Museum Brno (CZ) from December 29th 2009 to May 2010. There is the presentation of the Nanosection CSNMT activities as well.

The presentation commemorates the storied speech „There is plenty of room at the bottom“ of the American physician Richard Feynman 50 years ago. By this speech he outlined the vision of molecular structure inducement, which has been a crucial point for nanoscience and nanotechnology development. The main target of the exhibition is to present the Feynman vision and to show the possibilities of university study of nanotechnology in the Czech Republic.

Conference NANOCON 2009

1st Conference 2009 was co-organised by Nanosection of the CSNMT in Roznov pod Radhostem, in October 20th. – 22nd, 2009.

There is available the Collection of papers and: NANOCON 2009 - Collection of conference proceedings.
